Getting ready for the road. I love this part, the anticipation and anxiousness before you go. Whenever you arrive it is the beginning of the end. The perennial question of what to take, bike clothes are a given but off the bike when I am with a group is more difficult. I know we are being entertained on our first night by our support leader's family. It will be cold at night but warm during the day Then at the end, a hotel and church service. Then there is all the extra's for this modern world - chargers for mobile phone, go-pro, camera and kindle. I will be camping for a week in remote Nepal so no charging points therefore using solar panel which will be slow. You would think it would all fall into place by now but each tour is so different - culture, terrain, group dynamics, hygiene. I am happy with my fitness level, cycling about 5 times a week, not big distances but seems more in this wild weather and of course always climbing. There will be 10,500ft of climbing this tour so once more the Arran hills are a blessing.
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