Arrived safely in Kathmandu after a good journey. Calcutta Airport was absolute chaos, no signage and conflicting information. Took us about 5 hours to negotiate it, good job we weren't on quick transfer. Stunning views of the Everest range as we flew in. Hotel fine, actually had a hot shower before we went out to dinner. The group is gradually asembling and seem a friendly bunch, mixed ages and cycling ability. Think there will be 6 women and 7 men. We met and were treated to delicious Nepalese food by the Kathmandu group of OGB's. ( Former pupils of DGH's ). Lovely. First impressions are of a warren on narrow streets selling fascinating goods. Tomorrow heading out at 9.00am on sight seeing tour. Quite tired now, so off to bed, jet lagged, 10.25pm local time. Spike still his box but seems ok, will probably assemble tomorrow afternoon. All good.
Chaos of Kolkata Airport |
Himalayas from Aeroplane |
Kathmandu Airport |
I"ve Arrived |
Mmmmm - Nepalese Food |
Kathmandu |
Kathmandu Delights |
OGB's Gathering |