Had decided after much thought to join two others on the group, Ken and Michelle, and book a flight over Everest. Up before five, no breakfast and headed for the airport in a taxi. Still dark, still hopeful. Sat in the airport for two hours waiting for a weather window. Then our flight was called, so happy, camera ready. Taxi-ing looking good. Then pilot announced, turning back, cloud over mountains. Distraught. So disappointed as I probably won't get another chance. Still the only positive is I saved a bit of money.
Returned for breakfast at the hotel then had Group preparation meeting at 12 noon. Binod Rai of Insight Himalaya, our Support Team seems to be on the ball with everything supplied. They provide tent, 2 sleeping mats, pillow, sleeping bag, fleece liner, hot water bottle, hot showers, down jackets, generator for charging. Fantastic, what a team - sanitised camping methinks. I have brought sleeping bag liner, pillow, 6 batteries for mobile phone, solar panel for Go-Pro, 2 camera batteries but all completely unnecessary. After introductory meeting went out for lunch, into Kathmandu, with some of the group. Suddenly I found myself alone, where had the others gone, in the warren of streets and crowds it is just so easy to take a wrong turning. I remembered we were going to the 'Third Eye' restaurant so didn't panic and kept asking for directions. Eventually I found myself at the restaurant and there were the others, quite unconcerned, they thought I had deliberately wandered off on my own. After lunch Fraser and I went out on our bikes to get a feel of the city and roads. I immediately went round a roundabout the wrong way but no-one seemed to mind, I think like India anything goes here.
Still feeling fine although tired, start cycling tomorrow. Vanda is unwell, hope she makes it tomorrow. I am coping well with Nepalese food, doesn't seem as fiery as Indian food. Ready to be off, good stuff.
Boarding - Looking Good |
Ken's Face Says It All |