Distance - 44.5 miles Climbing - 11735 feet
Route details http://www.strava.com/activities/115455343
Our last cycling day, where has the week gone? Rose at 6.00am for breakfast at 6.30am, just toast and tea served in tiny cups. Oh the joy of a real bed ! John, James and Binod left at 6.00am to give themselves a good start on what was to prove a gruelling day. The rest of us left just after 7.00am, dull with spots of rain which came to nothing, thank goodness, road already quite busy with traffic. For about 20 miles we cycled through forests with beware elephants signs. Elephants have right of way here, I wouldn't be arguing. Then disaster, the road is under construction and now congested with close, noisy, incessant traffic. The winding, stoney, uneven surface throwing up clouds of dust is unbearable. We are given face masks to wear but I find it makes me too hot. This goes on for 10 exhausting miles, what a nightmare, not the best lead in to the Himalaya's. Poor Willie's chain broke, so unfair so close to the finish, I could see he was very disappointed. Then I remembered I had a chain link with me, I have been carrying it for 5 years and never had to use it. After a bit of a struggle the chain was repaired and Willie could continue, so happy for him. Knowing the big climb was coming up I didn't push myself but held back conserving my energy for what was to come. We are met by a party of children from Sai Samity Bah Bikas Kendra School holding placards of greetings, they place kada's round out necks. (Scarves of welcome). So friendly. Eventually, we crossed the bridge over the Teesta River and the 4000 ft climb over 10 miles begins. Slow and steady cycling with Vanda and Janine but going at my own pace, I never allow myself to be pulled along beyond my ability. A third of the way up Prakash has arranged a lunch break but Vanda and I keep going, we are in a rhythm and don't want to stop. It is harder than I remember but I feel good. Vanda is talking to herself, scolding herself to keep going. Steep, horseshoe bends, constantly up, no respite, twisting, turning, up, up, up. Teasingly the road flattens out, only to climb again, steeper, higher. 5 miles in, going well, 8 miles in, going well, breathing good. 10 miles and one and a half hours later , relief, round the corner there is Soods Hotel and a warm welcome from the Principal, Mrs Hilda Peacock and Headmaster, Mr Bannerjee of Dr. Graham's Homes. I have made it, I feel great, in good shape. The others arrive soon after, some cycling, some walking but all completing their journey. The hotel provides us with very welcome tea and snacks. The band of Dr. Graham's Homes escorts us through the town of Kalimpong, the Police have closed the main street. The town's people stand and stare, I wonder what they make of it all. Many people dart in front of us, taking photos, I feel quite a celebrity !! DGH is 5 miles further on, John has decided, because we are behind schedule that we will take a shortcut (?) up the much steeper Tirpie Road. We all walk, muttering, pushing our bikes. At last we near the Homes and we can hear the children before we see them, the road is lined with screaming, waving children, what a emotional welcome. They crowd round us, some shy, some smiling. Mrs Peacock makes a speech of welcome and we are welcomed with more kada's and book about DGH. John replies thanking the boys and girls for their very rewarding welcome. I see Tracy, my lovely sponsored girl, and arrange to meet her tomorrow after church service. At last we are free to pile into the vehicles and be conveyed to the Himalayan Hotel. Our cycle is over, we are tired and weary, a bit relieved but ooh so happy. Tomorrow we will explore the Homes. All good.
Our Last Day |
Unbelievably Dusty |
Rough, Stoney Roads |
Olga Disappears Into the Dust |
Incessent Traffic
Constant Traffic |
Coronation Bridge
Children of Sai Samity Bah Bikas Kendra School, Tista |
Janine and Janice Start up the Hill
Kalimpong Sign - Nearly There |
Dr Graham's Homes Band |
I'm Here - Down the Main Street, Kalimpong |
Celebrity Parade |
John Gets Cheered Home |
Ken and David - Well Done |
What a Welcome |
Welcome Smiles. |